Parker Enterprise Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

One of our longest serving and highly talented tutor: Mel Adams provides an update on one of our biggest success stories of the year!

Russell, Keith and Peter are all employed and on-boarded at M&S, Sevenoaks NHS and Land Rover Jaguar respectively. All have had great feedback this week and all have been offered more hours. They have all battled through adversity to get back into employment.

Keith: Sadly Keith lost his brother this week but was so pleased to be able to WhatsApp him in hospital and stay connected with his niece. So far so good! He is finding the job doable and thinks he’ll sail through his 6 months trial and training at Sevenoaks hospital. He has recalled how hard it was to remember his tasks from week to week and bought himself a notepad for the new job! Huge congrats and Claps for Keith.

Russell: Russell on-boarded at Marks and Spencer a few weeks ago but already has been offered more hours – it’s been a rough ride as he is housing his Daughter-in-law and 2 grandchildren in his one-bedroom flat, and to cap it all off he has been doing childcare after his third grandson was born prematurely. Mum and baby recovering well to his relief and he popped in to show off his uniform!

Peter: Last but not least smooth-talking Peter has secured an operative position at Land Rover Jaguar and started last week. In fact, within one week of learning how to type, upload and adjust his CV for online job searching Peter had 17 separate enquiries, 1 online interview, 2 phone interviews and 2 face to face meetings. He was super pleased when one of his old bosses called too (and he could turn them down!). A person with low confidence, Peter has been a lovable rogue visitor who has made friends with every eligible lady in the building. All were super proud when he came in to show off his uniform.

With these three gainfully employed we have space for more! Refer today

peter parker enterprise russell parker enterprise