mel parker enterprise

Mel Adams provides an update on another success story to kick off 2023

We’ve had some lovely feedback this week @ParkerEnterprise with many of our service users making good on their New Year Resolutions and finishing the course. Chris had this to say after reviewing all his certificates and brand new LinkedIN profile:

“Before I started the course, I had very little confidence in my I.T. skills and had no real idea as to how to improve on them. Experience I had with computers was pretty much ‘this is what you do’ not why you do it or how you do it. If it goes wrong or anything like that so I had experience with e-mail previously but nothing else much. As far as the management skills that were given to me with things like SABRE and IFS it was “we’ll show you this bit but we know that you don’t know other bits exist or what they’re called- this is all you need to know!!” that sort of thing. Thanks to Mel@ Parker Enterprise, I now have far more confidence and ability and can now help myself when needed. Learn my way is a very effective learning tool but Mel explains any difficulties with ease.

I am now able to use my IT skills to explore the Internet with competence and able to look for a suitable work and resolve my health issues. And I feel more able to set myself up with other job search engines whereas I was set up with them by other people and also to more generally explore what’s on the Internet which I’ve never really bothered with previously although I haven’t yet set up my own YouTube which I should do!“