staff profile karen fraser

Meet Karen Fraser: The Operations Manager Who Ensures Business Success Despite Challenging Health Conditions

Karen Fraser

Hello, my name is Karen Fraser and I am Operations Manager at Parker Enterprise. I am very passionate about Disability Support because I am disabled, myself.

karen fraser parker enterprise

A Rare Health Disorder

I have a, very rare, disorder of the connective tissues called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and this causes frequent dislocations, bowel problems, bladder issues, bruising and fragile skin. This has contributed to life threatening Sepsis and, most recently, a stroke. I also live with malignant tumours so my life is never dull!

A Passion For Teaching

Sharri, the director was very positive about my disability and said that she was interested in my brain and my passion about teaching and learning rather than my physical ability to walk. This means that, as you can imagine, your attitudes towards all of our learners is one of ABILITY and not disability.

Proactive In Helping People

My condition, as rare as it is, has been highlighted on the television: Izzie from Coronation Street has it and Abby Cook, the new BBC Blue Peter presenter has it. I don’t think that ANY disability poses insurmountable difficulties and, because I am disabled, I am proactive in helping people find a way, of navigating life but in a different, easier way for them!

Driven In A Remote Working Environment

I work in a remote setting and have a home office which was, guided by occupational therapy and Access to work, designed for me. Sharri, our director, funded the equipment and there was no question of that not being done. For me, remote working means that I am productive at different times of the day and I can listen to my body and work when I am able to. Most companies are happy to accommodate flexible working and the reason for that is that their staff are positive and motivated so will attain higher than their targets.

ESOL Course Delivery Success

For example, I delivered an ESOL course and was able to work on getting partner organisations on board, in the evenings and at weekends and, as a result, got 60% job outcome when our target was 20%.

Architectural & Historical City Breaks

Out of work, I like travelling and particularly like short, city breaks where I can see architecture and learn about history. I also enjoy crochet and knitting. I believe we are best placed to help you, as a disabled person or your disabled clients because I am disabled and understand the potential problems which arise along the way.

We hope to hear from you soon, with any queries you may have.