Are you self-aware? Do you have a plan for your personal and professional development?
Self-awareness is understanding who we are, our strengths and weaknesses, our drives and personalities, our habits and values.
Through understanding your own strengths, weaknesses, habits and values, you become aware of the areas that you may wish to focus on or develop, to ensure that you maximise your existing skills.
Organisations can utilise employees’ self-awareness to create a tailored development than that builds on existing skills and develops new ones, potentially addressing shortages within the existing workforce.
The Course
The Parker Enterprise’s e-learning Short Course in Self-Awareness and Personal Development is designed to help individuals understand their emotions, strengths, weaknesses and sense of worth, and create a personal action plan from this new-found awareness.
Learners on the course will understand what self-awareness and personal development is, and the importance of taking time to reflect and assess their own strengths, weaknesses and aspirations. The course will provide learners with the tools to effectively self-assess and set realistic goals for personal development. Finally learners will understand that through being self-aware, and taking positive steps, they can positively impact on all areas of their life and effectively embrace change.
Areas Covered
- What is self-awareness and personal development?
- Reflection
- The Importance of reflection
- Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT)
- Confidence
- Personal development
- Stages of skill development
- Aspirations
- Energy
- SMART goals
- Mission and vision statements
- Attitude
- Embracing change
Who Is It Aimed At?
Parker Enterprise’s e-learning’s Short Course in Self-Awareness and Personal Development is ideal for all levels of employee within a business and as part of the induction process for new employees.
The course is also ideal for use as part of the on-programme element of the new apprenticeship standards and can support the knowledge, skills and behaviours apprentices need to effectively integrate into the workplace.
How to Purchase
The quickest way to purchase our e-learning courses online is by adding them to your basket and complete the course form with: First Name, Last Name & Email Address. Once you have completed the checkout process you will receive an email confirming your purchase and another email with your online course link.
If you have any questions or queries, please call Parker Enterprise sales team on 01563 657001 and we will be happy to assist you.
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